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中文名 唐旭日 领域 语言学
性别 所在单位 华中科技大学
所在部门 外国语学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



1.Xuri Tang. A State of the Art of Semantic Change Computation. To appear in Natural Language Engineering.
2. Liu Gaixiang & Xuri Tang. Solving Contradictions in Semantic Prosody Analysis with Prosody Concord. Accepted by International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.Complementary Data Download.
3. Xuri Tang. Lexeme-Based Collexeme Analysis with DepCluster.Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.  13 (1) :165-202.Complementary Data Download.
4.Wang Xinda. Xuri Tang.  Word Sense Disambiguation with Semantic Inference. BESC 2017.
5.Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A Successive Approach. World Wide Web Journal.  19(3), 2016.
6.Liang Hu and Xuri Tang. Multiword Expression Extraction Based on Word Relativity. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 5(1), 27-40, 2014.
7. Dan Liu, Min Hua, Maohua Qian, Xuri Tang. Manual Investigation on Context for Word Sense Disambiguation. CLSW 2014: 278-285.
8. Bin Li, Yan Ma, Xueyang Liu, Xuri Tang.Quantitative Analysis of "ADV+N" via Cognitive Property Knowledgebase. CLSW 2014: 414-424.
9.Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A Successive Approach. Behavior and Social Computing, Springer, pp 68-81, 2013.
10. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Bin Li. To Acquire Conceptual Metaphors from Experience, to appear in ICIC Express Letters, 7(6), 2013.




1、唐旭日. 《谓词语义计算》. 武汉大学出版社. (即将出版);
2、唐旭日,张际标. 2017. 《计算机辅助翻译基础》. 武汉大学出版社.