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中文名 陈清目 领域 管理学
性别 所在单位 中南财经政法大学
所在部门 工商管理学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



1.Chen C, Zeng D-Z (2018) Mobile capital, variable elasticity of substitution, and trade integration. Journal of Economic Geography, 18(2),461-494. (SSCI);
2.Chen C, Peng S-K (2017) Entrepreneurship and welfare gains from trade. Academia Economic Papers, 45(1),1-46. (TSSCI);
3.Chen C, Zeng D-Z (2014) The spatial selection of heterogeneous quality: An approach using different demand elasticities. International Journal of Economic Theory, 10(2),179-202. (SSCI);
4.Chen C, Melachroinos K A, Chang K (2010) FDI and local economic development: the case of Taiwanese investment in Kunshan. European Planning Studies, 18(2),213-238. (SSCI)。