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中文名 邓世名 领域 管理学
性别 所在单位 华中科技大学
所在部门 管理学院 专业职称 教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导




2018.7 – 2018.9,Santa Clara Univeristy,访问学者;
2014.8 – 2014.10, Arhus Univeristy,访问学者,Arhus,丹麦;
2011.7 – 2011.10, 加州伯克利大学,工业工程与运筹学系,访问学者;
2009.10 – 2010.12, 斯坦福大学,管理科学与工程系,访问学者(合作方: 冯.诺依曼奖获得者Yinyu Ye教授);
2004.12 – 2009.12, Oracle USA(美国甲骨文公司), Project Leader;
2003.7 – 2004.12, Braincess, Inc,Analytical Architect。


1、S.Deng , C. Gu , G. Cai, Y. Li. 2018. Financing multiple heterogeneous suppliers in assembly systems: Buyer finance vs. Bank finance. Manufacturing& Service Operations Management, Vol. 20, No. 1: 53–69, (UTD 24 , SCI/SSCI, EI检索)
2、S.Deng,C.A. Yano. 2016. Designing Supply Contracts Considering Profit Targets and Risk,Production and Operations Management, Vol 25: 1292-1307. (UTD 24, SCI, EI检索)
3、Z. Wang, S. Deng, and Y. Ye.2014. Close the Gaps: A Learning-While-Doing Algorithm for Single-Product Revenue Management Problems. Operations Research, 62(2):318-331. (UTD24, SSCI/SCI, EI检索)
4、S. Deng,C.A. Yano. 2006. Joint Production and Pricing Decisions with Setup Costs and Capacity Constraints. Management Science, Vol. 52, 741-756. (UTD24, SCI/SSCI, EI检索)
5、L. Wu, S. Deng*, and X. Jiang. 2018. Sampling and Pricing strategy under competition, Omega, Vol.56, No.5:1918-1933. (SCI/SSCI检索).
6、S. Deng, X. Jiang*, Y. Li. 2018. Optimal price and maximum deal size on group-buying websites for sellers with finite capacity. International Journal of Production Research 56 (5): 1918-1933.(SCI检索)
7、T. Wang, S. Deng*. Multi-Period Energy Procurement Policies for Smart-grid Communities with Deferrable Demand and Supplementary Uncertain Power Supplies. Omega. Accepted. 2018 (SCI/SSCI检索).
8、T. Wang, S. Deng*. Supply chain leading models of building charging stations: Leaders, subsidy policies, and cost sharing, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Accepted. 2018 (SCI检索).
9、Z.H. Lee, S. Deng, B. Lin, and J. Yang. 2010. Decision Model and Analysis for Investment Interest Expense Deduction and Allocation. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 200, Issue 1: 268-280. (SCI,EI检索)
10、Li, N., M. Zhang, S. Deng, Z.H. Lee, and L. Zheng. 2007. Single-station Performance Evaluation and Improvement in Semiconductor Manufacturing: a Graphical Approach. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 107, 397-403 . (SCI,EI检索)
11、M. Zhang, S. Niu, S. Deng, Z. Zhang, Q. Li, and L. Zheng. 2007. Hierarchical Capacity Planning with Reconfigurable Kits in Global Semiconductor Assembly and Test Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, 543-552. (SCI,EI检索)
12、 S. Deng, Z. Zheng. Optimal production decision for a risk‐averse manufacturer faced with random yield and stochastic demand. International Transactions in Operational Research. Accepted. 2018 (SCI/SSCI检索).
13、A. Muzaffar, S. Deng, M.N. Malik, Contracting mechanism with imperfect information in a two-level supply chain. Operational Research, Accepted. 2018 (SCI检索).
14、S. Deng, P. Liu. The impact of attention heterogeneity on stock market in the era of big data. Cluster Computing. Accepted. 2018 (SCI检索).
15、S. Deng, T. Wang*, X. Chang.2018. Customer satisfaction incentives with budget constraints,International Transactions in Operational Research 25 (6), 1973-1995 (SCI/SSCI检索).
16、 A. Muzaffar, S. Deng, A. Rashid. 2017.Non-parametric optimal service pricing: a simulation study, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management14 (2), 142-155. (SCI检索)
17、J.Cai,S. Deng,X. Hu, Y. Han, H. Cheng, W. Huan. 2015. Supply chain coordination based on return contracts with a threshold ordering quantity,International Transactions in Operational Research 22(6):951-968,(SCI/SSCI检索).
18、 X. Chen, M. Hung, K. Kuo, S. Fu, G. Shanthikumar, Z. Mao, S. Deng, V. Hazari, K.M. Monahan, M.D. Slessor.2003. A. Lev. Overlay excursion management through sample plan optimization and cycle time reduction, Microlithography, 1186-1193,
21、 顾超成,邓世名,李沿海.确定性需求连续生产模型下的最优保理融资策略[J].运筹与管理,2017,26(10):121-128.
22、 邓世名,姜璇,李沿海.销售商能力受限时与团购网站合作的最优策略研究[J].管理工程学报,2017,31(04):131-139.
23、 姜璇,邓世名,李沿海.考虑线下渠道时销售商在团购网站上的最优销售策略研究[J].运筹与管理,2016,25(03):46-56.
24、 邓世名,王田,魏冬娟,马士华.分布式服务链中顾客满意度激励机制研究[J].管理科学学报,2015,18(08):12-19.
25、 蔡建湖,韩毅,周根贵,邓世名.基于承诺契约的两级供应链库存决策模型[J].系统工程理论与实践,2011,31(10):1879-1891.


1、国家自然科学基金重点项目,71931005,新零售模式的运营管理理论与方法,235万元,2020.1 - 2024.12,主持
2、教育部新世纪人才计划项目,NCET-10-0382,20万元,2009.1 - 2012.12,主持
9、国家自然科学基金面上项目71072035,基于Supply-Hub的供应物流协同的理论与方法研究,2011.1 -2013.12,26万元,参与。
10、Online Packages Sortation Simulation, FedEx Ground(美国联邦快递,新泽西中心), 14万美元,2004.3-


M. Zhang, S. Deng. 2009. Operations Management Basics, invited chapter in The Handbook of Technology Management. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA,


2010 湖北武汉东湖高新科技开发区“3551”人才计划。
2012 湖北省优秀学士学位论文导师
2013 湖北省优秀学士学位论文导师
2014 湖北省优秀学士学位论文导师