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中文名 涂乙冬 领域 经济学
性别 所在单位 武汉大学
所在部门 经济与管理学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



学士, 管理学, 武汉大学经济与管理学院 (2004—2008)。



Wang, S.,Tu, Y. *, Zhao, T., Yang, Y. (in press). Focusing on the Past, Present, or Future? Why Proactive Personality Increases Weekly Subjective Well-Being,Journal of Happiness Studies. 10.1007/s10902-021-00461-7 Li, D., Li, Y., Hu, Y.,Tu, Y*(in press). How do Servant Leadership and Self-Esteem at Work Shape Family Performance in China? A Resource Gain Development Perspective.Management Decision. DOI: 10.1108/MD-08-2020-1104 Tu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Lu, S (in press). Treat Floating People Fairly: How Compensation Equity and Multilevel Social Exclusion Influence Prosocial Behavior among China’s Floating Population.Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-020-04641-y Tu, Y*., Li, D., Wang, H-J (2021). COVID-19 Induced Layoff, Survivors’ COVID-19 Related Stress and Performance: The Moderating Role of Social Support,International Journal of Hospitality Management. 95, 102912. Tu, Y., Lu, X. Wang, S., Liu, Y. (2020). When and Why Conscientious Employees Are Proactive: A Three-wave Investigation on Employees' Conscientiousness and Organizational Proactive Behavior.Personality and Individual Differences, 159, 109865 Tu, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, X. Wang, S. (2020). Differentiating Two Facets of Trust in Colleagues: How Ethical Leadership Influences Cross-team Knowledge Sharing,Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 41(1), 88–100. Wang, S., Li, Y.,Tu, Y. *(2019). Linking Proactive Personality to Life Satisfaction in The Chinese Context: The Mediation of Interpersonal Trust and Moderation of Positive Reciprocity Beliefs.Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(8), 2471–2488. Tu, Y., Lu, X., Choi, J., Guo, W. (2019). Ethical Leadership and Team-Level Creativity: The Mediation of Psychological Safety Climate and Moderation of Supervisory Support for Creativity.Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2), 551–565. Zhang, S.,Tu, Y.* (2018). Cross-Domain Effects of Ethical Leadership on Employee Family and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors,Journal of Business Ethics, 152(4), 1085–1097. Li, Y., Li, D.,Tu, Y.*, Liu, J. (2018). How and When Servant Leadership Enhances Life Satisfaction.Personnel Review, 47(5), 1077–1093.


国家自然科学基金项目:社会责任型人力资源管理对组织内道德型领导涌现的机制研究,年份:2018-2022,编号:71872139 教育部人文社科项目:道德型领导对员工职业健康的影响机制,年份:2018-2021,编号: 18YJC630164 2018年度武汉大学自主科研(人文社会科学)青年项目:道德型领导对员工职业健康的影响机制研究,年份:2018-2020 国家自然科学基金项目:研发团队的道德型领导、主动性人格与知识分享的多层次研究:基于社会困境的视角,年份:2015–2017,编号: 71402127 湖北省科技支撑计划软科学研究类项目:湖北省企业科技创新人才与研发团队创造力研究,年份:2015–2016,编号: 2015BDF082 2015年度武汉市科技局软科学研究计划项目:武汉市制造业企业研发人才建设与企业创新,年份:2016–2017,编号: 2016040306010207. Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, How Ethical Leadership Influences Group and Individual Creativity: An Empirical Study in China, 2014–2015.


1.涂乙冬, 社会交换和社会认同理论视角的员工-组织关系研究, 武汉大学出版社, 2015.9;
2.李燕萍,涂乙冬, 新型农民开发与新农村建设(专著), 武汉大学出版社, 2012年2月。


1.研究生学术创新奖一等奖, 武汉大学, 2012-2013;
2.博士研究生国家奖学金, 教育部, 2011-2012;
3.研究生学术创新奖一等奖, 武汉大学。