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中文名 魏立佳 领域 经济学
性别 所在单位 武汉大学
所在部门 经济与管理学院 专业职称 教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导






Lucy F. Ackert, Brian D. Kluger,Li Qi and Lijia Wei. An Experimental Examination of the Flow of Irrelevant Information across Markets, Lucy F. Ackert, Brian D. Kluger and Li Qi, Southern Economic Journal, Forthcoming. Jason Shachat, Matthew J. Walker, Lijia Wei*, How the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted pro-social behaviour and individual preferences: Experimental evidence from China, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 190, 2021,480-494 Yiting Guo, Jason Shachat, Matthew J. Walker, Lijia Wei. Viral social media videos can raise pro-social behaviours when an epidemic arises. Journal of Economic Science Association, 2021. Jason Shachat, Matthew J. Walker and Lijia Wei, The Impact of an Epidemic: Experimental Evidence on Preference Stability from Wuhan, AEA: Papers and Proceedings, forthcoming in 2021. Zhu Y., Ding K., Zhong M., Lijia Wei (2020) STIM: Scalable Time-Sensitive Influence Maximization in Large Social Networks. In: Nah Y., Cui B., Lee SW., Yu J.X., Moon YS., Whang S.E. (eds) Database Systems for Advanced Applications. DASFAA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12114. Springer, Cham. Lijia Tan, Lijia Wei, Evaluating car license auction mechanisms: Theory and experimental evidence, China Economic Review, Volume 60, 2020 Yun Chen, Lijia Wei. Railroad development, temporal‐spatial externalities, and growth spillover: Theory and empirical evidence. Journal of Regional Science. 2018.11. Shaoyu Li ,Lijia Wei, Zhiwei Xua, Dynamic asset allocation and consumption under inflation inequality: The impacts of inflation experiences and expectations, Economic Modelling, 2017.02.01 Shaoyu Li ,Lijia Wei, Zehua Huang, Value-at-Risk Forecasting of Chinese Stock Index and Index Future Under Jumps, Permanent Component, and Asymmetric Information, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016.01.01, 52(5): 1072-1091 Jason Shachat , Swarthout J.Todd, Lijia Wei, A hidden markov model for the detection of pure and mixed strategy play in games, Econometric Theory, 2015.8.01, 31(4): 729-752


1.2017.06 武汉大学行为科学研究实验中心建设项目,项目负责人,科研经费40万。
2.2015.09 中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师专项,项目负责人,科研经费2万元。
3.2015.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目号:71403192),项目负责人,科研经费20万元。
4.2014.01-2016.12  教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(项目号:14YJC790130),项目负责人,科研经费8万元。
5.2011.06 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(项目号:201122G011),项目负责人,科研经费8万元。