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中文名 许洁 领域 信息科学与系统科学 、图书馆、情报与文献学
性别 所在单位 武汉大学
所在部门 信息管理学院 专业职称 教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



欧洲学术出版会议组委会委员Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
开放科学宣言组织会员Open Science Initiative (OSI)


1.Jiayun Wang,Jie Xu, Dianyun Chen.2021. Chinese PhD Students' Perceptions of Predatory Journals: A Survey Study.Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 52(2):88-106.doi.org/10.3138/jsp.52.2.02
2.Jie Xu,Chen He , Jing Su , Yuanxiang Zeng , et al. 2020. Chinese researchers’ perceptions and use of open access journals: Results of an online questionnaire survey.Learned Publishing.33(2):111-124. doi: 10.1002/leap.129
3.Jie Xu, Dianyun Chen, et al. 2020. How are the new wave of Chinese researchers shaping up in scholarly communication terms?.Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 25, no. 3, December 2020: 49-70
4.Xu, Jie; Wang, Jia Yun; Zhou, Lihong; et al.2019.Internationalization of China's English-language academic journals: An overview and three approaches.Learned Publishing.32(2):113-125.DOI: 10.1002/leap.1198
5.Jie Xu, Dave Nicholas, Yuanxiang Zeng, Jing Su, Anthony Watkinson. 2018. Chinese Early-Career Researchers’ Scholarly Communication Attitudes and Behaviours.The Journal of Scholarly Publishing. DOI: 10.3138/jsp.49.3.03
6.Abrizah.Jie Xu. 2017.Scholarly communication and matters of trust and authority: A comparative analysis of Malaysian and Chinese researchers.Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science.22(3):69-91.DOI10.22452/mjlis.vol22no3.5
7.Dave Nicholas,Jie Xu, Lifang Xu. 2016. Chinese researchers, scholarly communication behaviour and trust.Learned Publishing.29(1) DOI10.1002/leap.1003
8.Jie Xu, Tao Yang, Ting Cong. 2015. Use of Social Networking Sites among Chinese and American Researchers: A Comparative Study.TheJournal of Scholarly Publishing.47(1):60-76.DOI10.3138/jsp.47.1.03
9.Jie Xu, Yuanxiang Zeng. 2016.Are Open Access Journals Trusted by Chinese Scholars.Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University.41(1):131-135
10.Jie Xu,Matthias Whals. 2012. The scholarly publishing industry in China: Overview and opportunities,Learned Publishing.25(1):63-74DOI10.1087/20120109
11.Jie Xu, Xiaoqun Yuan. 2013. Online scholarly publishing in China: Who? What? How?.Learned Publishing.26(2):89-100.DOI10.1087/20130205
12.Jie Xu, Jiayun Wang. 2017. Should We Care How Long to Publish? Investigating the Correlation between Publishing Delay and Journal Impact Factor. An accepted poster of iConference 2018.
13.Xu Jie. 2010.Research on Chinese Publishing Enterprises’ Listing.LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community.Vol.20.No.3: 300-311.
14.David Nicholas, ChérifaBoukacem-Zeghmouri, Blanca Rodriguez-Bravo,Jie Xu, et al. 2017.Where and how early career researchers find information?Learned Publishing30(1)DOI10.1002/leap.1087
15.Dave Nicholas, Anthony Watkinson, ChérifaBoukacem-Zeghmouri,Jie Xu, et al. 2017. Early career researchers: Scholarly behaviour and the prospect of change: Early career researchers.Learned Publishing.DOI10.1002/leap.1098
16.Blanca Rodriguez-Bravo, Dave Nicholas, MarzenaSwigon,Jie Xu, et al. 2017. Peer review: The experience and views of early career researchers.Learned Publishing30(4).DOI10.1002/leap.1111


1. 国家社科基金项目“面向开放科学的科技期刊产业链整合研究”,2021-
2. 国家社科基金青年项目“社交网络环境下学术交流中的信任问题研究”,2015-2019。
3. 国家新闻出版广电总局新闻出版项目“优秀文艺作品出版引导机制研究”,2016。
4. 博士后基金特别资助项目“社交网络环境下中国学术话语权的树立与传播研究”,2012-2014。
5. 博士后基金面上资助项目“社交网络环境下学术出版模式创新研究”2012-2014。
6. 中国科协学会服务中心委托项目“科技期刊产业链研究”,2020-2021
7. 项目“基于文化安全的网络文化产品引导机制研究”,腾讯研究院委托,2017-2018

1. 国家社科基金重点项目,学术出版体制机制创新研究,2018
2. 科技部“科技支撑计划”项目,动态数字出版关键技术及标准规范研究,2012-2016。
3. 国家社科基金重大项目“健全现代文化市场体系的理论与实践研究”,2012-2016。
4. 国家社科基金重点项目“文化产品创作生产引导机制研究”,2012-2015。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“开放存取数字期刊学术质量评价与控制研究”2011-2013。