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中文名 何青松 领域 管理学
性别 所在单位 华中科技大学
所在部门 公共管理学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



2016/12 - 2017/12,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校,城乡规划,访问学者
2013/09 - 2018/06,武汉大学,地图学与地理信息系统,博士
2009/09 - 2013/06,武汉大学,地理信息系统(制图),学士
2018/07 -2020年10月,华中科技大学公共管理学院,讲师
2020/11 -至今,华中科技大学公共管理学院,副教授(破格)


1. Rao, Y., Dai, J., Dai, D*., & He, Q*. (2021). Effect of urban growth pattern on land surface temperature in china: a multi-scale landscape analysis of 338 cities. Land Use Policy, 103(1), 105314.
2. Rao, Y., Yang, J., Dai, D., Wu, K., & He, Q*.. (2021). Urban growth pattern and commuting efficiency: empirical evidence from 100 Chinese cities. Journal of Cleaner Production (5), 126994.
3. Zheng, L., Chen, K., Tan, S., Yin, C., He, Q*., Wu, J.. (2021). Landscape expansion-place quality nexus revisited: How fundamental and transitory growth impact in China. Land use policy, 103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105294
4. 何青松,谭荣辉,& 杨俊. (2021). 基于近邻传播聚类元胞自动机模型的城市扩散和聚合过程同步模拟—以武汉市为例.地理学报(接收待刊)
5. 何青松,王铭君,才仁卓玛. (2021). 基于多维景观扩张指数的城市紧凑度分析研究.地理信息世界(接收待刊)
6. He, Q., He, W., Song, Y., Wu, J., Yin, C., & Mou, Y. (2018). The impact of urban growth patterns on urban vitality in newly built-up areas based on an association rules analysis using geographical ‘big data’. Land Use Policy, 78, 726-738.
7. He, Q., Zhou, J., Tan, S., Song, Y., Zhang, L., Mou, Y., & Wu, J. (2020). What is the developmental level of outlying expansion patches? A study of 275 Chinese cities using geographical big data. Cities, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.102395
8. He, Q., Zeng, C., Xie, P., Tan, S., & Wu, J. (2019). Comparison of Urban Growth Patterns and Changes between Three Urban Agglomerations in China and Three Metropolises in the USA from 1995 to 2015. Sustainable Cities and Society, 101649.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2019.101649
9. He, Q., Xu, M., Xu, Z., Ye, Y., Shu, X., Xie, P., & Wu, J. (2019). Promotion incentives, infrastructure construction, and industrial landscapes in China. Land Use Policy, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2019.104101
10. He, Q., Liu, Y., Zeng, C., Chaohui, Y., & Tan, R. (2017). Simultaneously simulate vertical and horizontal expansions of a future urban landscape: a case study in Wuhan, Central China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(10), 1907-1928.
11. He, Q., Song, Y., Liu, Y., & Yin, C. (2017). Diffusion or coalescence? Urban growth pattern and change in 363 Chinese cities from 1995 to 2015. Sustainable Cities and Society. 35, 729-739. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2017.08.033.
12. He, Q., Tan, R., Gao, Y., Zhang, M., Xie, P., & Liu, Y*. (2018). Modeling urban growth boundary based on the evaluation of the extension potential: A case study of Wuhan city in China. Habitat International. 72, 57-65.
13. He, Q., Tan, S., Yin, C., & Zhou, M. (2019). Collaborative Optimization of Rural Residential Land Consolidation and Urban Construction Land Expansion: A Case Study of Huangpi in Wuhan, China. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.11.005.
14. He, Q., Zeng, C., Xie, P., Liu, Y*., & Zhang, M. (2018). Assessment of the biomass carbon storage of forests and ecological compensation based on surface area: A case study of Hubei Province in China. Ecological Indicators. 90, 392-400
15. He, Q., Tan, S., Xie, P., Liu, Y., & Li, J. (2019). Re-assessing Vegetation Carbon Storage and Emissions from Land Use Change in China Using Surface Area. Chinese Geographical Science, 29(4), 601-613.
16. Wu, J., Wu, Y., Yu, W., Lin, J., & He, Q*. (2019). Residential Landscapes in Suburban China from the Perspective of Growth Coalitions: Evidence from Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 223(20), 620-630
17. Wu, J., Feng, Z., Peng, Y., Liu, Q., & He, Q*. (2019). Neglected Green Street Landscapes: A Re-Evaluation Method of Green Justice. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 41: 344-353
18. Liu, Y., He, Q*., Tan, R., Liu, Y., & Yin, C. (2016). Modeling different urban growth patterns based on the evolution of urban form: A case study from Huangpi, Central China. Applied Geography, 66, 109-118.
19. Liu, Y., He, Q*., Tan, R., Zhou, K., Liu, G., & Tang, S. (2015). Urban growth modeling based on a game between farmers and governments: Case study of urban fringe in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 142(2), 04015018.  
20. Wu, J., Hu, Y., Liu, T., & He, Q*. (2018). Value capture in protected areas from the perspective of common-pool resource governance: A case study of Jiuzhai Valley National Park, China. Land Use Policy, 79, 452-462.
21. Wu, J., He, Q*., Chen, W., Lin, J., & Chai, Y. (2018). Dismantling the fence for social justice:Evidence from the inequity of urban green space in the central urban area of Beijing. Urban Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/2399808318793139
22. Wu, J., Song, Y., Lin, J., & He, Q*. (2018). Tackling the uncertainty of spatial regulations in China: An institutional analysis of the “multi-plan combination”. Habitat International, 78, 1-12.
23. Zeng, C., Song Y., He, Q*., & Liu, Y (2018). Urban–rural income change: impact of landscape pattern and administrative spatial spillover effect. Applied Geography, 97, 248-262.
24. Wu, J., Ta, N., Wang, Q., Hu, Y., Chen, Y & He, Q* (2018). Exploring value capture mechanisms for heritage protection under public leasehold systems: a case study of West Lake Cultural Landscape. Cities. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2018.09.014
25. Wu, J., Chen, H., Wang, H., He, Q*., and Zhou, K*. (2020). Will the opening community policy improve the equity of green accessibility and in what ways-Response based on a 2-step floating catchment area method and genetic algorithm. Journal of Cleaner Production. 263, 121454
26. Gao, Y., Zhang, C., He, Q*., & Liu, Y*. (2017). Urban Ecological Security Simulation and Prediction Using an Improved Cellular Automata (CA) Approach—A Case Study for the City of Wuhan in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6), 643.
27. Mou, Y., Song, Y., Xu, Q., He, Q*., & Hu, A*. (2018). Influence of Urban-Growth Pattern on Air Quality in China: A Study of 338 Cities. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(9), 1805.
28. Mou, Y., He, Q*., Zhou, B*. (2017) Sustainability in the Housing Market–A Study of the Spatially Non-Stationary Relationships between Housing Price and its Determinants. Sustainability, 9(10): 1826. DOI: doi:10.3390/su9101826.
29. Gao, Y., He, Q*., Liu, Y*., Zhang, L., Wang, H., & Cai, E. (2016). Imbalance in Spatial Accessibility to Primary and Secondary Schools in China: Guidance for Education Sustainability. Sustainability, 8(12), 1236.
30. Tan, R., Zhou, K., He, Q*., & Xu, H*. (2016). Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Interaction among City Clusters on Urban Growth—Case of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration. Sustainability, 8(8), 759.
31. Xie, P., Liu, Y*., He, Q*., Zhao, X., & Yang, J. (2017). An Efficient Vector-Raster Overlay Algorithm for High-Accuracy and High-Efficiency Surface Area Calculations of Irregularly Shaped Land Use Patches. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(6), 156.
32. Yin. C., He, Q., Chen. W., Liu, YF & Gao Y. (2018). Inequality of public health and its role in spatial accessibility to medical facilities in China. Applied Geography. 92, 50-62.
33. Tan, R., He, Q., Zhou, K., Song, Y., & Xu, H. (2019). Administrative hierarchy, housing market inequality, and multilevel determinants: a cross-level analysis of housing prices in China. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 1-24.
34. Tan, R., He, Q., Zhou, K., & Xie, P. (2019). The effect of new metro stations on local land use and housing prices: The case of Wuhan, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 79, 102488.
35. He, L., Liu, Y., He, Q., Xie, P., & Yin, C. (2018). Simulating urban cooperative expansion in a single-core metropolitan region based on improved CA model integrated information flow: A case study of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 144(2). Url: https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000438
36. Liu, Y., Xie, P., He, Q., Zhao, X., Wei, X., & Tan, Y. (2017). A new method based on association rules mining and geo-filter for mining spatial association knowledge. Chinese Geographical Science, 27(3), 389-401.(SCI)
37. Zeng, C., Song, Y., He, Q., Shen, F. (2018). Spatially explicit assessment on urban vitality: Case studies in Chicago and Wuhan. Sustainable Cities and Society. (Accepted, Online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2018.04.021
38. Tan, R., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., He, Q., Ming, L., & Tang, S. (2014). Urban growth and its determinants across the Wuhan urban agglomeration, central China. Habitat International, 44, 268-281. (SSCI)
39. Hou, H., Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Wei, X., He, Q., & He, Q. (2015). Using inter-town network analysis in city system planning: A case study of Hubei Province in China. Habitat International, 49, 454-465. (SSCI)
40. Li, X., Mou, Y., Wang, H., Yin, C., & He, Q. (2018). How Does Polycentric Urban Form Affect Urban Commuting? Quantitative Measurement Using Geographical Big Data of 100 Cities in China. Sustainability, 10(12), 4566.
41. 田晶, 何青松, & 颜芬. (2014). 道路网stroke生成问题的形式化表达与新算法. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 39(05), 556-560. (EI)
42. 谭荣辉*, 刘耀林, 刘艳芳, & 何青松. (2020).城市增长边界研究进展——理论模型, 划定方法与实效评价. 地理科学进展, 39(2), 327-338.
43. 杨欢, & 何青松. (2019). 美国地方郡县城乡用地分类体系的发展特征及其经验启示. 国际城市规划, (1), 76-81.
44. 刘耀林, 何力, 何青松, 王程程, & 赵翔. (2015). 地理国情统计分析系统设计与应用. 地理信息世界, (6), 56-59.
45. 张梦珂, 刘艳芳, 何青松. (2016). 基于最大发展潜力值的元胞自动机城市扩张模型. 测绘与空间地理信息, 39(3), 45-48.
46. 高原, 何青松, & 张梦珂. (2016). 城市扩张与景观生态安全关联规律挖掘——以武汉市为例. 测绘与空间地理信息, 39(9), 5-9.
47. 高原, 魏俊青, & 何青松. (2016). 基于生态红线的地类分类及其特征研究. 测绘与空间地理信息, (2016 年 10), 14-17.
48. 刘子靖, 刘耀林, 何青松, & 赵菁. (2017). 武汉市中心城区住宅价格空间分布格局及其影响因素研究. 地理信息世界, 24(2), 20-25.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:面向空间活力提升的城市形态演变类型优化模拟模型(No. 42001334),主持,2021.01-2023.12;
2. 上海市城市更新及其空间优化技术重点实验室开放课题:大数据支持下城市形态演变类型对空间活力的影响挖掘,主持,2020.07-2021.06;
4. 第一执笔人撰写的《培育战略性新兴产业,推动湖北高质量发展》政策建议获得湖北省人大常委会副主任周洪宇批示;


1. 地理国情时空过程与演变机理挖掘系统V1.0(排序第1)。登记号:2015SR226947
2. 多尺度人文国情要素监测和分析系统(排序第2)。登记号:2015SR003441
3. 地理国情时空数据关联规则挖掘系统V1.0(排序第4)。登记号:2015SR226563
4. 地理国情时空数据空间格局知识挖掘系统V1.0(排序第5)。登记号:2015SR230248
5. 地理国情聚类模式挖掘系统V1.0(排序第5)。登记号:2015SR229430


1. 2016年度国家测绘科技进步一等奖(排名12)
2. 2015-2016年度研究生国家奖学金
3. 2015-2016年度地球空间信息技术协同创新中心奖学金
4. 2014年武汉大学第九届研究生学术科技节之测绘学科第五届研究生学术报告竞赛三等奖
5. 2013-2014年度陈永龄院士优秀学生科技创新二等奖
6. 2013-2014年度学院优秀研究生,并获甲等奖学金(排名地理硕士班第一)
7. 2012年SuperMap杯开发大赛武汉赛区一等奖,全国赛区三等奖