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中文名 胡婷婷 领域 新闻学与传播学
性别 所在单位 武汉大学
所在部门 新闻与传播学院 专业职称 副研究员
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



1. Hu, Tingting (2021 forthcoming monograph): Victim, Perpetrator and Professional: The Representation of Women in Chinese Crime Films. London: Sussex Academic Press.
2. Guan, Tianru & Tingting Hu (2020 forthcoming): Re-narrating non-intervention policy in China’s military-action genre films, Journal of Contemporary China, accepted 12 August 2020.
3. Wang, Yue & Tingting Hu (2021 forthcoming): Transmedia storytelling in mainland China: The “double entanglement” from the TV drama to fan narratives – The case of The Disguiser. In Filippo Gilardi & Celia Lam (eds.) Transmedia Storytelling in Asia and Pacific Region, Palgrave Macmillan, accepted 20 December 2018.
4. Hu, Tingting & Yue Wang (2020): Who is the counterpublic? Bromance-as-masquerade in Chinese online drama – S.C.I. Mystery, Television and New Media, DOI:10.177/152746420937262
5. Guan, Tianru & Tingting Hu (2020): The conformation and negotiation of nationalism in China’s political animations—a case study of Year Hare Affair, Continuum. DOI:10.1080/10304312.2020.1724882
6. Hu, Tingting (2019) Transgression as a Postfeminist Masquerade: The Representation of Female Perpetrators in Hong Kong Crime Films, Asian Studies Review, 43:4, 710-727, DOI: 10.1080/10357823.2019.1663406
7. Hu, Tingting (2020) Which position is proper? The representation of the policewoman in the Hong Kong film Breaking News, Feminist Media Studies, 20:6, 753-767, DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2019.1643386