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男,南洋理工大学(NTU),Associate Professor。
中文名 李晨阳 领域 哲学
性别 所在单位 武汉大学
所在部门 国学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导

Chinese philosophy and comparative philosophy


Chenyang Li joinedNTU in 2010. Before coming to NTU, he served as a Professor and Chair of theDepartment of Philosophy at Central Washington University(USA, 1999-2010).
He was asenior visiting research fellow at the City University of Hong Kong in2005-2006 and an ACE Fellow in 2008-2009.

Ph.D, Philosophy, University of Connecticut
M.A., Philosophy, Peking University
B.A., Philosophy, Peking University


.Among his publications are The Tao Encounters the West:Explorations in Comparative Philosophy (1999), and The Sage and the Second Sex:Confucianism, Ethics, and Gender (ed., 2000), and over 70 journal articles and book chapters.


His publications have been used for courses at such institutions as Harvard University,Duke University,and the University of Toronto.