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中文名 吴小芳 领域 经济学
性别 所在单位 中南财经政法大学
所在部门 经济学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



2008年9月——2012年6月 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院(本科、工学学士)
2012年9月——2017年6月 北京大学工学院(研究生、理学博士)

2017年7月——今 中南财经政法大学经济学院(副教授)


1.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Coal use embodied in globalized world economy: From source to sink through supply chain. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81: 978-93. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
2.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2017. Energy use by Chinese economy: A systems cross-scale input-output analysis. Energy Policy, 108: 81-90. (SSCI; SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=4.140)
3.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2017. Global primary energy use associated with production, consumption and international trade. Energy Policy, 111: 85-94. (SSCI; SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=4.140)
4.G.Q. Chen, X.F. Wu*, 2017. Energy overview for globalized world economy: Source, supply chain and sink. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69: 735-49. (ESI Highly Cited Papers, SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
5.X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2015. Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 51: 1509-24. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
6.X.F. Wu, Q. Yang, X.H. Xia, T.H. Wu, X.D. Wu, 2015. Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment. Ecological Informatics, 26: 78-84. (Top 25 Hottest Articles, SCI三区, IF=2.020)
7.X.F. Wu, X.D. Wu, J.S. Li, X.H. Xia, T. Mi, Q. Yang, G.Q. Chen, 2014. Ecological accounting for an integrated “pig-biogas-fish” system based on emergetic indicators. Ecological Indicators, 47: 189-97. (SCI二区,IF=3.898)
8.B. Chen, J.S. Li, X.F. Wu, M.Y. Han, L. Zeng, Z. Li, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Global energy flows embodied in international trade: A combination of environmentally extended input-output analysis and complex network analysis. Applied Energy, 210, 98-107. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=7.182)
9.B. Chen, M.Y. Han, K. Peng, S.L. Zhou, L. Shao, X.F. Wu, G.Q. Chen, 2018. Global land-water nexus: Agricultural land and freshwater use embodied in worldwide supply chains. Science of the Total Environment, 613-14: 931-43. (SCI二区, TOP期刊, IF=4.900)
10.S.Y. Liu, X.D. Wu, M.Y. Han, J. Zhang, B. Chen, X.F. Wu, Z. Li, 2017. A three-scale input-output analysis of water use in a regional economy: Hebei province in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 156: 962-74. (SCI二区, IF=5.715)
11.X.D. Wu, X.H. Xia,G.Q. Chen, X.F. Wu, B. Chen, 2016. Embodied energy analysis for coal-based power generation system-highlighting the role of indirect energy cost. Applied Energy, 184: 936-50. (SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=7.182)
12.W.D. Wei, X.D. Wu, X.F. Wu, Q.M. Xi, X. Ji, 2016. Regional study on investment for transmission infrastructure in China based on the State Grid data. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11: 162-83. (SCI四区, IF=1.051)
13.S.Y. Liu, M.Y. Han, X.D. Wu, X.F. Wu, Z. Li, X.H. Xia, X. Ji, 2016. Embodied water analysis for Hebei Province, China by input-output modelling. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 1-14. (SCI四区, IF=1.051)
14.Q. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Zhang,X.F. Wu, 2015. Exergy-based assessment and optimization for energy transportation: a case study of Inner Mongolia-Tianjin. International Journal of Exergy, 18: 298-322. (SCI四区, IF=0.913)
15.J.S. Li,G.Q. Chen,X.F. Wu, T. Hayat, A. Alsaedi, B. Ahmad, 2014. Embodied energy assessment for Macao’s external trade. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 34: 642-53. (SSCI;SCI一区, TOP期刊, IF=8.050)
16.Q. Yang, X.F. Wu, H.P. Yang, S.H. Zhang, H.P. Chen, 2012. Nonrenewable energy cost and greenhouse gas emissions of a “pig-biogas-fish” system in China. Scientific World Journal, 862021. (SCI)

