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中文名 张伟 领域 经济学
性别 所在单位 中国地质大学(武汉)
所在部门 经济管理学院 专业职称 二级教授
学历学位 是否博导






[1]Wei Zhang,Su Li*,Jun Zhao,Xuemeng Liu,Zebang Xia.Financial Development and Industrial Green Transformation[J].Energy Economics,2024.
[2]Wei Zhang,Xuemeng Liu*,Shikuan Zhao,Tian Tang.Does green finance agglomeration improve carbon emission performance in China?A perspective of spatial spillover[J].Applied Energy,2024,358,122561.SCI检索
[3]Wei Zhang,Guoxiang Li*,Fanyong Guo.Does carbon emissions trading promote green technology innovation in China?[J].AppliedEnergy,2022,315,119012.SCI检索
[4]Wei Zhang,Xuemeng Liu*,Die Wang,Jianping Zhou.Digital economy and carbon emission performance:Evidence at China’s city level[J].Energy Policy,2022,165,112927.SSCI检索
[5]Wei Zhang,Shuyun Yang*.The Influence of Energy Consumption of China on Its Real GDP from Aggregated and Disaggregated Viewpoints[J].Energy Policy,2013,(57):76-81.SSCI检索
[6]Muhammad Anas,Wei Zhang*,Satar Bakhsh et al..Moving towards sustainable environment development in emerging economies: The role of green finance, green tech-innovation, natural resource depletion, and forested area in assessing the load capacity factor[J].Sustainable Development,2023.
[7]Satar Bakhsh,Wei Zhang*,Kishwar Ali,Muhammad Anas.Transition towards environmental sustainability through financial inclusion, and digitalization in China: Evidence from novel quantile-on-quantile regression and wavelet coherence approach[J].Technological Forecasting&Social Change,2024,198,123013.
[8]Xuemeng Liu,Wei Zhang*,Xiaorui Liu,Hao Li.The impact assessment of FDI on industrial green competitiveness in China:Based on the perspective of FDI heterogeneity[J].Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2022,93,106720.SSCI检索
[9]Satar Bakhsh*,Wei Zhang*.How does natural resource price volatility affect economic performance? A threshold effect of economic policy uncertainty[J].Resources Policy,2023,82,103470.
[10]Wei Zhang,Jing Li*,Guoxiang Li,Shucen Guo.Emission Reduction Effect and Carbon Market Efficiency of Carbon Emissions Trading Policy in China[J].Energy,2020,196,117117.SCI检索
[11]Wei Zhang,Guoxiang Li*,Md Kamal Uddin,Shucen Guo.Environmental R egulation,Foreign Investment Behavior,and Carbon Emissions for 30 Provinces in China[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2020,248,119-208.SCI检索
[12]Wei Zhang,Xiongfeng Pan*,Yaobo Yan,Xianyou Pan.Convergence analysi s of regional energy efficiency in china based on large-dimensional panel data model[J].Journal of Cleaner Production,2017,142,801-808.SCI检索
[13]Wei Zhang,Satar Bakhsh*,Kishwar Ali,Muhammad Anas.Fostering environmental sustainability:An analysis of green investment and digital financial inclusion in China using quantile-on-quantile regression and wavelet coherence approach[J].Gondwana Research,2024,128,69-85.SCI检索
[14]Wei Zhang,Min Huang*,Pengcheng Shen,Xuemeng Liu.Can digital inclusive finance promote agricultural green development?[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023.
[15]Wei Zhang,Xiaolin He*,Xuemeng Liu.Does green finance improve the industrial ecoefficiency in China?[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023,30,14484–14496.SCI检索
[16]Wei Zhang,Zhangrong Zhu*,Xuemeng Liu,Jing Cheng.Can green finance improve carbon emission efficiency?[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022,29,68976–68989.SCI检索
[17]Wei Zhang,Die Wang*,Xuemeng Liu.Does financial agglomeration promote the green efficiency of water resources in China?[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021,28,56628–56641.SCI检索
[18]Su Li,Wei Zhang*,Jun Zhao.Does green credit policy promote the green innovation efficiency of heavy polluting industries?—empirical evidence from China’s industries[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2022,29,46721–46736.SCI检索
[19]Wei Zhang,Jing Cheng*,Xuemeng Liu,Zhangrong Zhu.Heterogeneous industrial agglomeration, its coordinated development and total factor energy efficiency[J].Environment,Development and Sustainability,2023,25,5511–5537.SSCI检索
[20]Satar Bakhsh,Wei Zhang*,Kishwar Ali,Muhammad Anas.Can digital financial inclusion facilitate renewable energy consumption? Evidence from nonlinear analysis[J].Energy&Environment,2023.


Professor Wei Zhang serves as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).
Over the course of his career, he has successfully led a total of 7 national projects, encompassing major initiatives, key projects, and general projects supported by prestigious bodies like the National Social Science Fund and the National Soft Science Research Program. Notably, Professor Zhang has been honored with over 10 awards from the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award.
Widely recognized as an esteemed expert in the field, Professor Zhang specializes in green finance and has dedicated more than two decades to its study. A significant portion of his state-supported projects, including major, key, and general programs, revolves around the realm of green finance. Presently, he holds key positions such as the Chairman of the Annual Conference of Green Finance.
Professor Zhang is actively seeking doctoral students and postgraduates majoring in applied economics, specifically those interested in sustainable finance. Concurrently, he is extending invitations to post-doctoral researchers in applied economics or management science and engineering, emphasizing research areas like sustainable finance or green financial innovation.
With a strong emphasis on team building, Professor Zhang actively seeks and values talents. He extends a warm invitation to elite students to participate in examinations or apply for post-doctoral, doctoral, and postgraduate programs in the aforementioned research directions.




[5]2015年8月,论文《The Influence of Energy Consumption of China on Its Real GDP from Aggregated and Disaggregated Viewpoints》获**省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖,排名首位。