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中文名 闵师 领域 经济学
性别 所在单位 华中农业大学
所在部门 经济管理学院 专业职称 教授
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



[1] 2012.11——2016.8
德国汉诺威大学 > 博士 > 博士
[2] 2009.9——2012.6
内蒙古农业大学 > 硕士 > 硕士
[3] 2005.9——2009.6
辽宁大学 > 学士 > 学士

[1] 2019.3-至今
[2] 2017.3-2019.2
[3] 2012.11-2016.11, 汉诺威大学发展与农业经济研究所,Research Associate
[4] 2010.7-2012.10, 中国科学院农业政策研究中心,研究助理

[1] 2021.8-至今
[2] 2020.11-至今


[1] Liu, M., Dries, L., Huang, J., Shi Min., Tang, J.* (2019): The impacts of the eco-environmental policy on grassland degradation and livestock production in Inner Mongolia, China: An empirical analysis based on the simultaneous equation model. Land Use Policy, 88, 104167.  (SSCI; IF=3.194)
[2] Shi Min, Lingling Hou*, Hermann Waibel, Jikun Huang, Yueying Mu (2019): The impact of migration on the food consumption and nutrition of left-behind family members: Evidence from a minority mountainous region of southwestern China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(8), 1780-1792. (SCI; IF=1.337)
[3] Shi Min, Zhouhang Yuan, Xiaobing Wang, Lingling Hou* (2019): Do peer effects influence the academic performance of rural students at private migrant schools? China Economic Review 54, 418-433 (SSCI; IF=2.106)
[4] Shi Min*, Jikun Huang, Hermann Waibel, Xueqing Yang, Georg Cadisch (2019): Rubber boom, land use change and its implications for carbon balances in Xishuangbanna, China. Ecological Economics 156:57-67 (SSCI; IF=3.895)
[5] Shi Min, Xiaobing Wang*, Min Liu, Jikun Huang (2018): The Asymmetric Response of Farmers to the Expected Change of Rubber Price: the Roles of Sunk Cost and Path Dependency. Land Use Policy 79: 585-594 (SSCI; IF=3.194)
[6] Shi Min*, Junfei Bai, Jikun Huang and Hermann Waibel (2018): Willingness of smallholder rubber farmers to participate in ecosystem protection: Effects of household wealth and environmental awareness. Forest Policy and Economics 87:70-84. (SCI; IF=2.496)
[7] Shi Min, Hermann Waibel* and Jikun Huang  (2017): Smallholder participation in the land rental market in a mountainous region of Southern China: Impact of population aging, land tenure security and ethnicity. Land Use Policy 68:625-637. (SSCI; IF=3.194)
[8] Shi Min, Hermann Waibel*, Georg Cadisch, Gerhard Langenberger, Junfei Bai and Jikun Huang (2017): The economics of smallholder rubber farming in a mountainous region of Southwest China: Elevation, Ethnicity, and Risk. Mountain Research and Development 37(3):281-293. (SCI; IF=1.216)
[9] Shi Min* (2017): The reduction of cotton cultivation in Shandong Province of China: Does off-farm employment matter? China Agricultural Economic Review 9(4):607-622. (SSCI&SCI; IF=0.718)
[10]Shi Min, Jikun Huang and Hermann Waibel* (2017): Rubber specialization versus crop diversification: The roles of perceived risks. China Agricultural Economic Review 9 (2): 188-210. (SSCI&SCI; IF=0.718)
[12] Shi Min, Jikun Huang, Junfei Bai and Hermann Waibel* (2017): Adoption of intercropping among smallholder rubber farmers in Xishuangbanna, China. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15 (3): 223-237. (SCI; IF=2.702)
[12] Gerhard Langenberger*, Georg Cadisch, Konrad Martin, Shi Min, Hermann Waibel (2016): Rubber intercropping: a viable concept for the 21st century? Agroforestry Systems 91(3): 577-596. (SCI; IF=1.201)
[13] Shi Min, Junfei Bai*, James Seale Jr. and Thomas Wahl (2015): Demographics, societal aging, and meat consumption in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture14 (6): 995-1007(SCI; IF=1.042)
[14] Inga Häuser*, Konrad Martin, Jörn Germer, Pia He, Sergey Blagodatskiy, Hongxi Liu, Manuel Krauß, Arisoa Rajaona, Shi Min, Sonna Pelz, Gerhard Langenberger, Chao-Dong Zhu, Marc Cotter, Sabine Stürz, Hermann Waibel, Heidrun Steinmetz, Silke Wieprecht, Oliver Froer. Michael Ahlheim, Thomas Aenis and Georg Cadisch (2015): Environmental and socio-economic impacts of rubber cultivation in the Mekong region: challenges for sustainable land use. CAB Reviews 10(27):1-11
[15]Junfei Bai*, Jill J. McCluskey, Hainan Wang and Shi Min (2014): Dietary globalization in Chinese breakfasts. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 62(3):325-341(SSCI)
1. 闵师,王晓兵,侯玲玲*,黄季焜:农户参与人居环境整治的影响因素:基于西南山区的调查数据. 中国农村观察 4: 94-110. (CSSCI)
2. 闵师,王晓兵, 项诚*,黄季焜:农村集体资产产权制度改革:进程、模式与挑战 农业经济问题 5: 19-29. (CSSCI)
3. 闵师,项诚*,王晓兵,赵启然 (2018):中国主要农产品生产的机械劳动力替代弹性:基于不同弹性估计方法的比较研究. 农业技术经济 4: 4-14 (CSSCI)
4. 张少春,闵师,马瑞 (2018):城市化、食物消费转型及其生态环境影响城市发展研究 3: 13-20 (CSSCI)
5. 袁舟航,闵师,项诚* (2018):农村小学同伴效应对学习成绩的影响:近朱者赤乎?教育与经济 34(1): 65-73 (CSSCI)
6. 闵师, 王晓兵, 白军飞*, 黄季焜 (2017):预期价格变动对农户生产行为调整的非对称影响. 农业现代化研究 38(3): 475-483. (CSCD)
7. 白军飞, 闵师, 仇焕广*,王晓兵(2014): 人口老龄化对我国肉类消费的影响中国软科学 11: 17-26. (CSSCI)
8. 闵师, 白军飞, 仇焕广*,王晓兵(2014): 城市家庭在外肉类消费研究. 农业经济问题 3: 90-95. (CSSCI)
9. 闵师, 白军飞*, 修长柏(2012):城市居民白酒消费及其影响因素. 中国食物与营养 18(6): 39-45
10.闵师, 白军飞*, 王金霞, 仇焕广,李玉敏(2011): 价格激励对我国农村生活固体垃圾回收的效应分析. 农业环境与发展 6: 76-81.


1. 中央农办农业农村部乡村振兴专家咨询委员会软科学课题,推进农村人居环境整治研究,2019/07-2020/07,主持人
2. 华中农业大学自主科技创新基金,乡村振兴战略背景下农村经济转型对农村居民食物消费与营养的影响研究,2019/04-2023/04,主持人