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中文名 姜艳 领域 环境工程
性别 所在单位 华中师范大学
所在部门 城市与环境科学学院 专业职称 副教授
学历学位 是否博导



1.Yan Jiang, Ping Xie, Yan Nie. Concentration and bioaccumulation of cyanobacterial bioactive and odorous metabolites occurred in a large, shallow Chinese Lake, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2014, 93(5):643-648(SCI)
2.Yan Jiang, Bo Cheng, Muxing Liu, Yan Nie. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Taste and Odor Compounds in Surface Water, Overlying Water and Sediment of the Western Lake Chaohu, China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2016, 96(2):186–191(SCI)
3.Yan Jiang, Yunmeng Yang, Yuling Wu, Jianbin Tao. Bo Cheng. Microcystin Bioaccumulation in Freshwater Fish at Different Trophic Levels from the Eutrophic Lake Chaohu, China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 2017, 99(1):69–74 (SCI)
4.聂艳,吴学敏,何颖,于婧,于雷,周勇,姜艳*. 基于产能核算和空间聚类的县级基本农田划定研究. 长江流域资源与环境.2014,23(6):809-815(重点核心)
6.Yan Jiang, Ping Xie, Gaodao Liang. Distribution and depuration of the potentially carcinogenic malachite green in tissues of three freshwater farmed Chinese fish with different food habits. Aquaculture. 2009, 288(1-2): 1~6 (SCI)
7.Yan Jiang, Pie Xie, Jun Chen, Gaodao Liang. Detection of the hepatotoxic microcystins in 36 kinds of cyanobacteria Spirulina food products in China.  Food Addit Contam 2008, 25(7): 885~894 (SCI)

