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中文名 潘炤 领域 管理学
性别 所在单位 华中科技大学
所在部门 管理学院 专业职称 副研究员
学历学位 博士研究生 是否博导



博士后: 华中科技大学管理学院(2015)
博士: 华中科技大学管理学院,管理科学与工程(2011)
硕士: 华中科技大学管理学院,管理科学与工程(2009)

担任《Journal of Electronic Commerce Research》副主编


1、Hu, Qian, Lu, Yaobin, Pan, Zhao*, Gong, Yeming, and Yang, Zhiling. 2021. “Can AI artifacts influence human cognition? The effects of artificial autonomy in intelligent personal assistants,” (2021). International Journal of Information Management. 56:September: 102250. (ESI高被引论文,IF:14.098)
2、Pan, Zhao, Lu, Yaobin, Gupta, Sumeet, and Hu, Qian. “You change, I change: an empirical investigation of users’ supported incremental technological change in mobile social media,” (2021). Internet Research. 31:1: 208–233.
3、Chen, Yanhong, Lu, Yaobin, Gupta, Sumeet, and Pan, Zhao*. “Understanding ‘window’ shopping and browsing experience on social shopping website: An empirical investigation,” (2020). Information Technology and People. 33:4: 1124–1148.
4、Yanhong Chen, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Zhao Pan*, How Do Product Recommendations Affect Impulse Buying? An Empirical Study on WeChat Social Commerce. (2019). Information and Management. 26:2: 236-248. (ESI高被引论文,IF:7.555)
5、Wang, Kun, Pan, Zhao*, Lu, Yaobin, and Gupta, Sumeet. “What Motives Users to Participate in Danmu on Live Streaming Platforms? The Impact of Technical Environment and Effectance,” (2019). Data and Information Management. 3:3: 117–134.
6、Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang. Patrick Y. K. Chau, Who Do You Think You Are? Common and Differential Effects of Social Self-Identity on Social Media Usage. (2017). Journal of Management Information Systems. 34:1: 71-101. (FT 50,FMS A类, IF:7.838)
7、Zhao Pan, Yaobin Lu, Sumeet Gupta, How Heterogeneous Community Engage Newcomers? The Effect of Community Diversity on Newcomers’ Perception of Inclusion: An Empirical Study in Social Media Service. (2014). Computers in Human Behavior. 39: 100-111.
8、Yunfan Lu, Yaobin Lu, Bin Wang, Zhao Pan, Hong Qin, Acceptance of Government-Sponsored Agricultural Information Systems in China: The Role of Government Social Power. (2014). Information Systems and e-Business Management. 13:2: 329–354.
9、Hu, Qian, Pan, Zhao*, and Liu, Jingwen. “The duality of autonomy on continuous usage of intelligent personal assistants (IPAs): From agency perspective,” (2019). In Proceedings of Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 96.
10、Yi Sun, Kwok-Kee Wei, Yaobin Lu, Zhao Pan*, We Recreate It and We Love It: The Impact of Collaborative Generated Content (CGC) on User's Willingness to Pay. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. (2018). 1-11
11、Si Fan, Jingwen Liu, Yaobin Lu, Zhao Pan*, User Comments Get Closer: The Impacts of Danmu Proximity on Video Quality of Experience and User Engagement. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. (2018). 1-11
12、Yi Sun, Kwok Kee Wei, Yaobin Lu and Zhao Pan*, Implicit Community in Online Social Groups: Understand Consumer Network and Purchase Behavior. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. (2017). 1–12.
13、Si Fan, Yaobin Lu, Ling Zhao, Zhao Pan, You Are Not Alone: the Impacts of Danmu Technological Features and Co-experience on Consumer Video Watching Behavior. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. (2017). 1-6.

